There are common, uncommon, rare and epic chests. Chests spawn with random items in them from the current phase. This is to prevent suffocation exploits.Ī: Yes. If there's anything in the way, it'll be broken and dropped. When mobs spawn, my defenses are destroyed! Why?Ī. You can mine a block from quite far away. If you are in a hostile phase, then expect mobs and build defenses to protect yourself. Listen carefully when you mine a block and you will hear hostile mobs coming before they spawn. I have no chance to react to hostile mobs spawning!Ī. Be careful because they may push you off! If you listen carefully, you may hear hostile mobs coming. My magic block is liquid! How can I mine it?Ī: Each phase has a different set of mobs that can spawn. Worse case, kill yourself and one will be generated. My magic block is no longer there! How do I get another one?Ī. Hit it and it will give out green particles. How do I know which is the magic block?Ī. Admins can also set certain blocks to appear at certain times no matter what. You can set the relative probability in the config files in the phases folder. Q: Why do certain blocks spawn more frequently than others?Ī: They just do! It's random. Q: I can't catch the blocks when I mine them! How do I do that?Ī: You can't catch them all, but it is an infinite block!

Q: How many blocks are there in the phases?Ī: There are currently 12 thousand blocks!Ī: There are tricks to surviving, but it might be difficult! You need to build space so you don't fall. Each phase features a set of blocks, chests, items, and mobs appropriate for the setting. FAQĪ: There are 12 phases: Plains, Underground, Winter, Ocean, Jungle, Swamp, Dungeon, Desert, The Nether, Plenty, Desolation, Deep Dark, and The End. A OneBlock Minecraft plugin, written by tastybento.Ĭredit for the original idea: IJAminecraft.ĪOneBlock puts you on a block in space.